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    Friday, 16 December 2016

    Must Read: 10 Ways To Increase the Oxytocin In Your Body

    Oxytocin is a hormone that helps relax and reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels. It increases pain thresholds, has anti anxiety effects, and stimulates various types of positive social interaction. In addition, it promotes growth and healing.

    Over the counter, without a prescription
    There are no over the counter products that have the actual hormone since that is not allowed by the FDA. Products that are sold over the counter that claim to have oxytocin are not to be trusted. Oxytocin nasal spray is availble by prescription.
    A 2016 small study found in spray form, the “love hormone” oxytocin might aid weight loss. A single dose of oxytocin nasal spray decreased impulsive behavior in overweight and obese men. However, the benefits and risks of long term use of this spray is not well understood and it is possible tolerance could develop.


    1. Share a meal/drink: 
    Not only does eating with someone else help to form a bond, but it signals to the brain that we can relax and trust them. This causes oxytocin to be produced.

    2.Listen actively
    When you listen with all of your senses, you signal to your brain that this person can be trusted. The influx of oxytocin will help you to feel connected to them, and will increase the feelings of “love”.

    3. Be active on social media 
    When you connect with others and make friends via social media, oxytocin is released in order to help you form bonds with the “new friends”. This doesn’t exclude normal face-to-face interaction, but it can help to increase oxytocin levels.

    4. Hug someone
    Oxytocin bonus! Be sure to hug those near and dear to you. A thirty second hug with someone you trust is all it takes to get the neurons fired up. Here are some tips for a successful hug: Don’t be namby pamby. No gentle pats on the back. Throw all of yourself into it. Hold tight and be loving. Rest your head on your hugging partner’s shoulder. Show the love. And make it last for thirty seconds. When was the last time you hugged your barista/yoga teacher/server/sales clerk?

    5. Exercise.
     I’m on it. I run several days a week, do yoga, Pilates and TRX when I can. Exercise releases just about all the happy hormones: dopamine, estrogen and serotonin to name a few. And when you sprint or really feel the burn, your endorphins kick in too. On Saturdays specifically, I’ll attempt to run a little faster.

    6. Have sex 
    Why do you think sex makes you feel so connected to someone? It’s because orgasms cause oxytocin to flood your body, helping to form a bond between you and your sex partner. If you want to raise oxytocin levels the natural way, have sex!

    7.Tell someone you love them 
     Using the “L word” sends signals to your brain that you have formed a bond with the person, and that you trust them. Telling people you love them will trigger the release of oxytocin in your body, helping you to feel more relaxed and trusting.

    8. Laugh 
    Laughter relaxes you, but it also causes oxytocin to be released. It’s why your dates usually go so much better when you watch a comedy or rom-com!

    9. Shoot guns 
    For some unexplained reason, shooting guns helps to release oxytocin. If you want to feel closer to someone, take them on a date to the shooting range and get those oxytocin levels rising.

    10. Diet:
     For higher progesterone levels, which go along with estrogen levels, it’s suggested to add this mix of foods to your diet: mussels, spinach, asparagus, eggs, salmon, dark chocolate, legumes and nuts, avocado and to take a probiotic. No problem there on the dark chocolate. It’s a daily staple. Could it be I get a little lazy on weekends and don’t eat as well as I think I do? Ah, maybe! My Sunday morning sticky bun treat probably isn’t the best. And popcorn for dinner? Well it has fiber, right?

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