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    Tuesday, 13 December 2016


    The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, located against the back muscles in the upper abdominal cavity just below the rib cage, one on each side of the spine. The kidneys detoxify the blood and aid the body in filtering out waste products through urine.

    Another primary function of the kidneys is to remove excess water from the body. They also help retain water when the body needs more.
    Moreover, the kidneys help regulate the levels of minerals like calcium and phosphate in the body. They also produce important hormones that help regulate body functions like blood pressure and making of red blood cells to carry oxygen and important nutrients throughout the body.
    To stay healthy, it is essential to keep the kidneys functioning properly. Some common symptoms that can indicate kidney problems are a change in color and quantity of your urine, dizziness, vomiting, anemia, breathing issues, feeling cold most of the time, tiredness or fatigue, itchy skin, bad breath and sudden pain in the body.
    If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your doctor to rule out the possibility of kidney disease.

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    There are many reasons behind kidney problems. However, many habits that people adopt can also cause huge damage to their kidneys.

    Here are the top 10 common habits that damage your kidneys.

    1. Eating too much salt
    Although our bodies are dependent on sodium or salt for proper function, excessive consumption of salt increases blood pressure, which consequently puts a lot of pressure on your kidneys. Your daily salt intake shouldn’t exceed 5g a day.

    2. Lack of water : 
    Insufficient water intake can lead to accumulation of toxins in the body, thus affecting other body functions including the primary kidney function, which is detoxification.

    3. Postponing urination : 

    Urine buildup will not only increase the pressure on your kidneys, but also lead to formation of kidney stones. That’s why restraining from urination can be quite adverse.

    4. High Protein Diet
    The consumption of excessive amounts of protein-based foods, such as red meat, increases the risk of kidney disease, as the function of these organs is to eliminate and metabolize nitrogenous wastes from the body, which are by-products of the digestion of protein.
    The excessive consumption of protein chronically increases the glomerular pressure and hyperfiltration, thus raising the metabolic load of kidneys, and leading to the development of kidney issues.
    Hence, you should limit the intake of red meat, and in the case of kidney issues, completely eliminate it from your diet, in order to prevent further complications.

    5. Regular Use of Analgesics
    Many people take analgesics, or over-the-counter painkillers, to lower inflammation and fever, and to control pain. However, this habit can cause damage on kidneys, and on other organs as well.
    According to a research, over-the-counter analgesics can decrease the blood flow to the kidneys and worsen their functioning. Long-term or heavy use of analgesics causes acute kidney injury or interstitial nephritis which is a chronic kidney disease.
    Those who have reduced kidney function should consult their doctor before taking any painkiller. Analgesics should be taken for the shortest time and at the lowest dose possible, even for those with normal kidney function.

    6. Drinking Too Much Alcohol
    Alcohol is a toxin which causes a lot of stress on the liver and kidneys. That’s why drinking excessive amounts can lead to severe kidney damage, so you should always try to drink in moderation.
    If you drink excessive amounts of alcohol, the uric acid will be stored in the renal tubules, causing tubular obstruction which raises the risk of developing kidney failure.
    Alcohol leads to dehydration and impedes the normal kidney functioning. The healthy amounts of alcohol consumed on a daily basis are 1 drink for women and older people, and 2 drinks for men.

    7. Smoking
    Smoking is bad for the whole body, and its relation to kidney damage has been confirmed by many studies. The American Association of Kidney Patients lists smoking as the number one cause of end stage renal disease, which shows just how dangerous it is. Smoking also increases the heart rate and blood pressure, resulting in increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and kidney disease as well.

    8. Too much caffeine
    We all love coffee, but too much of it can increase the blood pressure and overwork the kidneys. Long-term, this can cause kidney damage and raise the excretion of calcium in urine, effectively resulting in kidney stones as well.

    9.Sleep deprivation : 
    Chronic sleep deficiency can cause a number of health issues including kidney malfunction. It is during sleep that the body rebuilds damaged kidney tissue, so getting enough sleep is extremely beneficial for your kidney health.

    10. Ignoring common infections
    Ignoring colds, the flu, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other infections can result in kidney damage. People with kidney disease often miss to report being sick, but if you don’t treat the infections, the viruses or bacteria may damage your kidneys beyond repair.

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