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    Friday, 9 December 2016

    Got High Blood Pressure? Try This 2-Ingredient Tea!

    The force with which blood moves through a person’s body is called blood pressure.
    Your arteries will become weaker over time if the force is too strong for too long.
    70 million people in the U.S. have high blood pressure, which means almost 1 of every 3 individuals , according to the statistics. In Canada it’s 1 in 6 individuals.

    High blood pressure, or hypertension, increases kidney failure, heart disease , the risk or stroke, and artherosclerosis. This is why people should take proper care and to manage this condition in order to prevent life-threatening illness.

    Some studies have revealed that using calcium channel blockers, the most commonly prescribed type of drug, for longer periods of time, increases your risk of developing cancer by 2½ times compared to those who don’t use them.

    There are two types of hypertension: Primary and Secondary hypertension.
    While there’s no known cause for primary hypertension, secondary hypertension is normally associated with conditions like:

    • Age
    • Kidney problems
    • Excessive use of alcohol or drugs of any kind
    • Adrenal gland tumors
    • Too much salt
    • Thyroid problems
    • Race – high blood pressure is more prevalent in African Americans than white Americans
    • Certain congenital blood defects
    • Overweight
    • Other chronic conditions like diabetes and kidney disease
    • Obstructive sleep apnea
    • Sedentary lifestyle
    • Tobacco use
    • Stress
    • Chronic vitamin D and/or potassium deficiency

    1. In order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, the experts recommends regular consumption of fruits and vegetables.

    2. You need to lower your salt intake. Instead of salt, you can include nutritional yeast and turmeric.
    3. Include exercising in your lifestyle . It will be cornerstone therapy for the prevention and treatment of hypertension.
    4. Avoid foods that can rise the high blood pressure, such as processed meats, alcohol, food with high sodium content and ramen noodles.

    Here we are going to give you a tea which contains potassium, phthalides, phytonutrients and other nutrients which reduce blood pressure.
    Ingredients you will need:
    2 quarts water
    7 ounces celery
    2 ounces red dates
    Cut the celery and the dates. Add them in a pot with water and simmer for 30 minutes. After that, strain the chunks from the liquid.

    Drink this tea three times a day!

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