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    Tuesday, 6 December 2016

    MILK and GARLIC Is A Cure For Asthma, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Insomnia, Heart Issues, Cough, Arthritis and More!

    Garlic is an amazing vegetable, which is packed with a countless number of health benefits. However, it can be hard to consume it due to its specific taste and smell. Fortunately, there is a method which keeps all the nutrients and benefits of garlic and makes it tasty. You can see the recipe below and the remedy is called Garlic Milk. The Garlic Milk mixture is packed with health properties.

    Ingredients needed to prepare:

    • Peeled and minced Garlic 10 cloves
    • Milk –500 ml
    • water – 250 ml
    • Sugar – 2 or 3 tsp

    First, pour milk and water in the saucepan and add the garlic cloves. Boil these ingredients with continuous stirring. When the mixture reduces to ½ quantity, remove it from heat. Then, strain it and add the sugar. Drink this remedy hot.
    Note that you should drink the garlic milk until it is warm.

    Health benefits of this drink:

    Treats cough

    You should enrich this drink by adding some turmeric. The garlic will destroy bacteria, and the remedy will soothe a chronic cough.

    Using only three cloves of garlic every night is excellent combat against asthma. 

    Garlic Milk decoction taken three times a day is effective remedy against pneumonia.

    This drink lessens the bad LDL cholesterol and stops clots to form, so the heart health is much better. If you make this with low fat or skimmed milk, it will be even more effective.
    The garlic is great for curing this and toxin removal too. The garlic activates good enzymes and the liver starts to work fine. Our liver needs sulfur to make the body detox and the garlic has that sulfur. This is crucial for the liver and it is even better for fatty liver disease. It has allicin, selenium too and makes more bile so the fat of the liver is lessened. If you drink this mix for 5 days, jaundice will be gone.

    Have this mix daily and reduce such pains or inflammation.

    Such mixes soothe you and help you relax more.

    Cures Impotence
    There are many people who deal with this issue. It can be quite overwhelming. Hence, consuming this remedy will put an end to this headache.

    Improves the Digestive Health
    Garlic is great for your immune system, it boosts it and provides great antiseptic properties. This promotes your digestive health and stimulates secretion of digestive juices. Moreover, it affects the intestine and soothes it.

    Treats lung tuberculosis
    The sulfur in garlic effectively treats this disease. You should mix 1 g garlic, 240 ml milk and 1 liter of water, and boil the mixture until you are left with ¼ of the initial amount. Drink this remedy three times daily.

    Fight jaundice
    Garlic effectively removes toxins and is of great help in the case of jaundice. The sulfur in garlic is excellent for the liver and treats fatty liver disease. Garlic also contains allicin and selenium, and thus stimulates the production of bile. Drink this mixture for a week to treat jaundice.

    Soothe sciatica
    This milk effectively treats the nerve pain also known as sciatica. Its regular consumption will provide amazing effects.

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